Andy Miller was born and raised in South Carolina. After graduating from Lander University in 1991, he began helicopter lessons in the private sector prior to joining the Army. He applied for and was selected to the Warrant Officer Flight Training program. Basic Training was completed at Fort Jackson in 1995, and he then went on to Warrant Officer Candidate School and Army flight school at Fort Rucker, Alabama. Andy was trained as an OH-58D Kiowa Warrior pilot. He later became an instructor pilot in the Kiowa Warrior.
Andy deployed with his air cavalry squadron to Iraq for a 12-month combat operations tour in 2008, and in 2012 he deployed to Afghanistan as part of an advisor and training team to train the Afghan Air Force.
His military awards and decorations include the Army Combat Action Badge, Army Master Aviator Wings, the Bronze Star with one oak leaf cluster, the Purple Heart, the Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters, and the Air Medal.
Andy retired from the Army in 2015 as a Chief Warrant Officer Four. He now lives in southwest Virginia.