Tell your Story

In the end, we all become stories.
Veterans, friends, family: Tell your story.
The Mundane.
The Humorous.
The Brave.
The Humble.

I have the original book that my Grandpa Reeder Miller typed up after he returned home from World War One. I have held the original, but have a digital scan copy of the hand-written diary of my great-great-Grandfather Sylvester R. Miller from his time about a whaling ship in the late 1850’s.
I treasure these things as family heirlooms to be shared and passed down.

Tell your story.


Google Maps’ view

Paste these numbers to Google Maps and you can see my pinnacle.
33.361388, 62.417392
The runways of Shindand Air Base can be seen just to the west.

Home Sweet Home

On this date in 2013, I was discharged from the Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center rehab unit and traveled home to Fort Rucker via a commercial airline.
It had been 97 days since an IED in western Afghanistan changed my plans. In that time I had a lot of people work to rescue me, to put me back together, and to push me to heal.
My rehabilitation and healing was not over, I still had a few months of work ahead of me before I’d walk without a cane, but I was home!
It had been over 14 months since I had left home for Afghanistan in October 2012.

December 12, 2013



Retiring The Iron Maiden

On this date in 2013, I returned the continuous passive motion device to the medical staff at the VA hospital. The device I had named the “Iron Maiden.”
I had not used it in about 2 weeks anyway, but it was a benchmark in my healing and very symbolic of my progress that I no longer needed it.

December 9, 2013


The Iron Maiden is funny. First you hate it. Then you get used to to. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on it.
(paraphrased from Red in “The Shawshank Redemption”)