In 2017, when I began this journey to tell my story, I knew that there would be a day when it would be time to retire.

   I knew when I began, that succeed or fail, the project that became the book was mine. Every word was mine, with organization assistance and proof-reading from my cousin Kristy. The pictures used in the book, I selected. I designed the cover. I copyrighted my work.

   I am proud of what was produced. The book was completed, published and printed in time for the fifth anniversary of my 2013 incident, as was my goal when I started working dutifully on it the year prior.

   I am happy that I was able to tell my story, perhaps someday my children will read it. I enjoyed the “author talks” I was able to give over the last 6 years.

   At the close of 2024, I will suspend active marketing and book sales, the website will be shuttered, I will stop posting to the book’s social media presence.

  I do still have a limited inventory of printed books, so if you’re interested in a copy for yourself or as a gift, please order before the end of the year.  I will have some books on-hand, so in-person sales will continue to be possible into 2025 and beyond.

   Thank you to everyone who helped me with this project, there are many. I hesitate to list everyone because I would inevitably and inadvertently forget a name, but I know who they are and so do they.

   Thank you to the many Heroes that saved me, put me back together and pushed me to heal (I know a “thank you” is never enough). You’re forever in my heart.

     Pamir 62
January 14, 2013 after a flight at Shindand Air Base, Afghanistan (OASD)