The start of #TenYearsAgo by Andy Miller | Sep 20, 2022 | Uncategorized | 0 comments Has it really been 10 years? In September 2012, I travelled to Mesa, Arizona for the MD530 course at the MDHI facility located at Falcon Field (KFFZ). That training was the beginning of my time in the MD530, and was just weeks before I left for Afghanistan. #tenyearsago #ArmyAviation #Pamir62 #HeroesAreForever #Afghanistan #shindand #MD530 A smirk because I was happy to be wearing a ballcap and a headset. VIP 1, I must’ve been a pretty Big Deal. Posting with my new ride. A few months later, I’d snap a very similar pose of my MD530 in the FARP at Shindand Air Base (OASD).