Thanksgiving 2013 was wonderfully special. I was home! Not for good this time, just for the weekend. But it was a huge step in my recovery and it felt good (but exhausting) to be away from the hospital and my Iron Maiden.

The NCOs from the VA hospital ADRU took me to the Augusta airport for my trip to Dothan and Fort Rucker. I was wearing my Stetson, and walking with a cane. Only my Army cape could have attracted more attention. It was during this trip that I learned that my new hardware doesn’t set off the metal detector at the airport.

I have a video that Lori captured with her iPhone of me strolling out from the secure part of the terminal at the Dothan airport. Aaron, Fiona and Katherine come running up to give me a hug. A wonderful and happy scene.

November 27, 2013
